How much do your programs cost?

You, your dog, and your goals are unique. In order to get the best value out of your money and time, all training programs are customized to meet your needs. If you’re looking for the cheapest trainer possible, we are not the trainers for you. If you’re looking for training that actually works, we are here for you! We do offer customized payment plans so training can fit into your budget.

My dog has already done training with another trainer and it didn’t work. Can you help?

Many trainers ask “how do I get the dog to do what I want them to do.” Our question is “how do we get the dog to want to do what we want them to do?” Obedience is an important piece of the puzzle when solving behavior issues, but most issues come from a lack of emotional regulation, rather than a lack of obedience. Calm dogs are more likely to make better decisions. We work on both! That’s what sets us apart from other trainers.

Are you a purely positive trainer?

In short, no. We do as much of the training as possible using positive reinforcement. However, by only telling dogs “yes” and never “no,” we are only giving them half the information to succeed and that’s not fair. Corrections should always be as gentle as possible but as firm as necessary.

Do you offer payment plans?


Do you offer group classes?

Group classes/outings are only offered as a supplemental form of support for clients who have already completed training. Initial training should take place one-on-one. We believe in setting up dogs and owners for success.

What type of training do you do?

Private training: Meet with your trainer once a week for about an hour at your home and advance to public outings.

Board and train: The dog is trained in the trainer’s home and owners are given follow-up sessions to continue success.

What types of dogs do you train?

There are no breed restrictions!